تحول بافت شناسی سه بعدی در جراحی پوست

3D Histology Evaluation of Dermatologic Surgery

Helmut Breuninger & Patrick Adam 2013

راهنمای دانلود

ثبت سفارش

E-BOOK: 144 English Pages

Price: 1000 Toman

Download: 3D Histology Evaluation of Dermatologic Surgery (Breuninger & Adam 2013)

راهنمای سریع دانلود، کلیک کنید .

There hasn’t been a book concerning “Microscopically Controlled Surgery” published and it is vital to publish a book that details all the different terms and methodology used in microscopically controlled surgery. The goal is to create a practical, concise and simple explanation of 3D-histology with workflows and detailed illustrative material for dermatologists. It is therefore designed to be a goal-oriented manual rather than an exhaustive reference work. It will provide the essential information for all working with patients undergoing this group of treatments.


“This book summarizes the basic principles and surgical methods for removing skin tumors and mapping tumor removal using 3D histology. … The book is written for practitioners in the specialties of dermatology, dermatological surgery, pathology, and perhaps other surgeons who are trying to remove cutaneous malignancies. … I have not seen other books that describe 3D mapping in such detail, because this method is usually explained in a chapter of a textbook.”
(Tara D. Miller, Doody’s Book Reviews, October, 2013)