A Handbook for Classroom Management that Works

Robert J. Marzano, Barbara B. Gaddy, Maria C. Foseid, Mark P. Foseid and Jana S. Marzano 2005

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E-Book: 195 English pages

Price: 5.000 Toman

Download: A Handbook for Classroom Management that Works (Marzano & Gaddy & Foseid & Foseid & Marzano 2005).

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Use this handbook in self-help, study group, and teacher workshop situations to implement the research-based classroom management practices from the ASCD best-seller Classroom Management That Works. The authors guide you through the classroom management approaches that support higher student achievement and provide you with hundreds of classroom-proven strategies and recommendations for: Establishing basic rules and procedures. Using effective discipline and consequences. Creating positive teacher-student relationships. Exhibiting a sound mental set for difficult situations. Making students responsible for classroom management. Dealing with schoolwide management issues. Questionnaires, discussion topics, case studies, and self-assessments help you see how and when to apply the best approach for a positive achievement gain in any grade level.