Babel: International Journal of Translation

Volume 60, Number 3, 2014


Table of Contents

1- This is a historic issue of Babel …

2- Announcement

3- Gender of cited authors: A problem for the English-Arabic translation of scholarly research

4- Thorny issues in translation: The case of The Thornbirds in the Spanish society of the seventies*

5- The role of online translation tools in language education

6- The translation of identity on the frontera. Sandra Cisneros in Mexican Spanish, Galician and Catalan

7- Rewriting the AUSIT Code of Ethics – principles, practice, dispute

8- Ongoingly redesigning metacognitive questionnaires helping trainees to self-evaluate their translating

9- Conseil de la FIT 2014-2017 / FIT Council 2014-2017

Book Review

10- Gu, Zhengyang A Theoretical Cultural Research into the Translation of Ancient Chinese Poems.

About Babel

Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators and interpreters, yet of interest also for the nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field of translation.

Babel includes articles on translation theory and practice, as well as discussions of the legal, financial and social aspects of the translator’s profession; it reports on new methods of translating, such as machine-aided translation, the use of computerized dictionaries or word banks; in each issue special sections on “Literary Translation” and “The Life of FIT”. An established publication, Babel will appeal to all those who make translation their business and research.

Contributions are written in English and French and occasionally in German, Spanish and Russian.

Babel is published for the International Federation of Translators (FIT).