Corpus Methods for Semantics

Quantitative Studies in Polysemy and Synonymy

Dylan Glynn & Justyna A. Robinson 2014

E-Book: 554 English Pages

Publisher: John Benjamins

Price: 1000 Toman

Download: Corpus Methods for Semantics: Quantitative Studies in Polysemy and Synonymy (Glynn & Robinson 2014).

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This volume seeks to advance and popularise the use of corpus-driven quantitative methods in the study of semantics. The first part presents state-of-the-art research in polysemy and synonymy from a Cognitive Linguistic perspective. The second part presents and explains in a didactic manner each of the statistical techniques used in the first part of the volume. A handbook both for linguists working with statistics in corpus research and for linguists in the fields of polysemy and synonymy.