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Functional Structure from Top to Toe

The Cartography of Syntactic Structures
Volume 9

Peter Svenonius 2014

E-Book: 331 English pages

Publisher: OUP

Price: Free


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This volume consists of nine original chapters on central issues in theoretical syntax, all written by distinguished authors who have made major contributions to generative syntax, plus an introductory chapter by the editor. Dedicated to Tarald Taraldsen, the collection reflects the diverse energies that have pushed the cartographic program forward over the last decade.

The first three papers deal with subject extraction, the que/qui alternation, and relative clause formation. Luigi Rizzi presents arguments that subjects are ‘criterial’ and that subject extraction is highly restricted. Hilda Koopman and Dominique Sportiche concur, suggesting that what appears to be subject extraction in French has been misanalyzed, and involves a relative structure. Adriana Belletti shows that children avoid using object relatives, preferring subject relatives, even when it requires passivization.

The fourth paper, by Ian Roberts, analyzes the loss of pro-drop in the history of French and Brazilian Portuguese. The papers by M. Rita Manzini and Richard S. Kayne both present novel analyses of complementizers, suggesting that they are essentially nominal, rather than verbal.

The final three papers address the relationship of morphology to syntax. The first two argue for a syntactic approach to word formation, Guglielmo Cinque’s in a typological context and Anders Holmberg’s within an analysis of Finnish focus constructions. The final paper, by Edwin Williams, presents an argument for the limitations of the syntactic approach to word formation.

About the Author

Peter Svenonius is a Professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Tromsø -The Arctic University of Norway, and is the Director of CASTL, the Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics. He has published on a range of subjects in theoretical linguistics.