Lxx Isaiah 24:1-26:6 As Interpretation And Translation

A Methodological Discussion

Wilson de Angelo Cunha 2014

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E-BOOK: 291 English Pages

Price: FREE

Download: Lxx Isaiah 24:1-26:6 As Interpretation And Translation: A Methodological Discussion (Cunha 2014).


In this volume Cunha argues that the differences found between the Septuagint text of Isaiah and the Hebrew of the Masoretic Text must be weighed against the literary context in which they are found. The author demonstrates that LXX Isa 24:1–26:6 can be seen as a coherent ideological composition that differs greatly from the way scholars have interpreted MT Isa 24:1–26:6. This coherence comes across through the use of certain lexemes and conjunctions throughout the passage. The book lays the case that a scribe or translator already had an interpretation before he started the process of translation that shaped his translation of the Hebrew text into Greek.