Perspectives: Studies in Translatology

Volume 20, Issue 3, 2012 

Special Issue: Translational encounters in a globalized world

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Table of Contents


1- Translational encounters in a globalized world

Research articles

2- The map is not the territory: towards a minor translation

3- Translations of Shakespeare in Romania – going from local to global?

4- Transatlantic translations as identity mediating discourses

5- When ‘we’ are ‘the other’. Travel books on Romania as exercises in intercultural communication

6- Bodily perception in female ad hoc interpreting: Romanian immigrants in contemporary Spain

7- Intercultural intertextuality as a translation phenomenon

8- From the Fall of the Wall to Facebook. Translation Studies in Europe twenty years later

9- The rise of the reader and norms in twentieth-century English-language literary translation

Book reviews

10- Subtitling norms for television

11- Political discourse, media and translation

The emphasis lies on analyses of authentic translation work, translation practices, procedures and strategies. Based on real-life examples, studies in the journal place their findings in an international perspective from a practical, theoretical or pedagogical angle in order to address important issues in the craft, the methods and the results of translation studies worldwide.