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Research Design

Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches

John W. Creswell 2014

E-Book: 401 English Pages

Publisher: SAGE

Price: Free

Download: Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches (Creswell 2014).

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The eagerly anticipated Fourth Edition of the title that pioneered the comparison of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research design is here! For all three approaches, Creswell includes a preliminary consideration of philosophical assumptions, a review of the literature, an assessment of the use of theory in research approaches, and refl ections about the importance of writing and ethics in scholarly inquiry. He also presents the key elements of the research process, giving specifi c attention to each approach. The Fourth Edition includes extensively revised mixed methods coverage, increased coverage of ethical issues in research, and an expanded emphasis on worldview perspectives.

About the Author

John W. Creswell is a Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  He has authored numerous articles on mixed methods research, qualitative methodology, and general research design in 26 books (including new editions). He held the Clifton Institute Endowed Professor Chair for five years at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. For the last five years, Dr. Creswell served as a co-director at the Office of Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He served as the founding Co-Editor for the SAGE journal, the Journal of Mixed Methods Research, and worked as an Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Michigan. He also worked extensively as a consultant in the health services research area for the Veterans Administration.  Dr. Creswell was a Senior Fulbright Scholar to South Africa in 2008 and to Thailand in 2012. In 2011 he served as a co-leader of a national working group at NIH developing “best practices” for mixed methods research in the health sciences. In spring 2013, Dr. Creswell was a Visiting Professor at Harvard’s School of Public Health. In 2014, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Pretoria, South Africa.  Recently, he has been elected President of the Mixed Methods International Research Association for 2014-2015.  He has also assumed the role of the Director of the College of Education and Human Sciences Mixed Methods Training Academy at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  His newest book, “A Concise Introduction to Mixed Methods Research” was published by SAGE Publications in April 2014.