Research Methods in Child Language

A Practical Guide

Erika Hoff 2013

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E-Book: 386 English pages

Price: 2.000 Toman

Download: Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide (Hoff 2013).

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This is a comprehensive and accessible guide to the methods researchers use to study child language, written by experienced scholars in the study of language development.

  • Presents a comprehensive survey of laboratory and naturalistic techniques used in the study of different domains of language, age ranges, and populations, and explains the questions addressed by each technique
  • Presents new research methods, such as the use of functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) to study the activity of the brain
  • Expands on more traditional research methods such as collection, transcription, and coding of speech samples that have been transformed by new hardware and software


“Furthermore, the information presented throughout the book will be of immense benefits to an institution‘s library or to a lecturer or supervisor to provide for their students and researchers.  Hence, Research Methods in Child Language is an essential tool for all in the field of child language.”  (Infant & Child Development, 1 January 2014)

“This book, though perhaps of limited use to individuals interested to learn more about a single method of research, since much of the book would therefore be irrelevant, will undoubtedly prove to be an invaluable resource for an institution’s library or for a lecturer or supervisor to provide for their students and researchers.”  (Linguist, 2 July 2012)