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The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Literary Studies

Lisa Zunshine 2015

E-Book: 681 pages

Price: Free

Download: The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Literary Studies  (Levinson 2015).


The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Literary Studies considers, via a variety of methodologies and combinations of interdisciplinary approaches, how the architecture that enables human cognitive processing interacts with cultural and historical contexts. Organized into five parts (Narrative, History, Imagination; Emotions and Empathy; The New Unconscious; Empirical and Qualitative Studies of Literature; and Cognitive Theory and Literary Experience), the volume uses case studies from a wide range of historical periods (from the fourth century BCE to the twenty-first century) and national literary traditions (including South Asian, postcolonial anglophone and francophone, Chinese, Japanese, English, Iranian, Russian, Italian, French, German, and Spanish).

About the Author

Lisa Zunshine is Bush-Holbrook Professor of English at the University of Kentucky. She is the author or editor of ten books, including Why We Read Fiction: Theory of Mind and the Novel (Ohio State UP, 2006), Strange Concepts and the Stories They Make Possible: Cognition, Culture, Narrative (Johns Hopkins UP, 2008), Introduction to Cognitive Cultural Studies (Johns Hopkins UP, 2010) and Getting Inside Your Head: What Cognitive Science Can Tell Us About Popular Culture (Johns Hopkins UP, forthcoming in 2012).