Writing Systems

A Linguistic Approach

Henry Rogers 2005

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E-Book: 340 English pages

Price: 2.000 Toman

Download: Writing Systems: A Linguistic Approach (Rogers 2005).

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Accessibly written, Writing Systems: A Linguistic Approach provides detailed coverage of all major writing systems of historical or structural significance with thorough discussion of structure, history, and social context as well as important theoretical issues. Discusses systems as diverse as Chinese, Greek, and Maya.

  • Presents each system in light of four major aspects of writing: history and development, internal structure, the relationship of writing and language, and sociolinguistic aspects.
  • Includes glossary of technical terms, extensive illustrations, exercises and further reading suggestions to aid in teaching from the book.


“The author and publishers can be congratulated on an excellent work; if I were teaching a class on writing systems now, this would be my first choice as a textbook.”
–William Bright, review in Written Language and Literacy

“This is an excellent comprehensive textbook for university courses on writing systems (grammatology), with enough preliminary remarks of a theoretical nature to enable the student to master the scripts from around the world, including cuneiform of various types, Semitic, Greek, Roman, etc. It is written in a clear style with a very good glossary and up-to-date bibliography.”
–Alan S. Kaye, California State University, Fullerton