Empirical Translation Studies

New Methodological and Theoretical Traditions

Gert De Sutter & Isabelle Delaere 2017

E-Book: 324 English Pages

Type: PDF

Price: 5000 Toman

Download: Empirical Translation Studies: New Methodological and Theoretical Traditions (Sutter & Delaere 2017).

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The present volume is devoted to the study of language use in translated texts as a function of various linguistic, contextual and cognitive factors. It contributes to the recent trend in empirical translation studies towards more methodological sophistication, including mixed methodology designs and multivariate statistical analyses, ultimately leading to a more accurate understanding of language use in translations.


G. De Sutter, Ghent University

M.-A. Lefer, Universite catholique de Louvain, Univ. St.-Louis, Brussels

I. Delaere, KU Leuven.