Brontë Studies

The Journal of the Brontë Society

Volume 41 – Issue 2 – 2016

Special Issue: Charlotte’s 200th: A Retrospective Collection of Essays from Brontë Society Transactions and Brontë Studies

Price: Free

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Table of Contents


1- Charlotte’s 200th – A Retrospective Collection of Essays from Brontë Society Transactions and Brontë Studies  – Robert Duckett


2- School Days at Roe Head – Ellen Nussey

Eyewitness Accounts

3- 1. The Rev. Canon Bardsley, Visitor

4- 2. Miss Frances Wheelwright, Brussels School-fellow

5- 3. Francis Butterfield, Chartist, of Wilsden

6- 4. Dr Charles Longley, Bishop of Ripon

7- 5. Emily Greenwood’s Father, Sunday School Pupil


8- Charlotte Brontë in London – Sidney Lee

9- Charlotte Brontë: A Surgeon’s Assessment – H. W. Gallagher

10- Charlotte Brontë: The Woman and the Feminist – Linton Andrews

11- Charlotte Brontë on her Contemporaries – Butler Wood

12- A Novelist Looks at the Brontë Novels – Phyllis Bentley

13- The Endings of Charlotte Brontë’s Novels – Alison Hoddinott

14- Subdued Expectations: Charlotte Brontë’s Marriage Settlement – Juliet R. V. Barker

Charlotte Memorabilia

15- 1. Charlotte Brontë’s Writing Desk – Donald Hopewell
16- 2. A Brontë Notebook
17- What Jane Austen Might Have Said – Patrick Dudgeon

Brontë Studies is the only journal solely dedicated to research on the Brontë family. Published continuously since 1895, it aims to encourage further study and research on all matters relating to the Brontë family, their background and writings, and their place in literary and cultural history. Original, peer-reviewed articles are published as well as papers delivered at conferences, notes on matters of interest, short notices reporting research activities and correspondence arising from items previously published in the journal.The journal also provides an official record of the Brontë Society and reports new accessions to the Brontë Parsonage Museum and its research library.