Clinical Sociolinguistics

Martin J. Ball 2005

راهنمای دانلود

ثبت سفارش

E-Book: 351 English pages

Price: 2.000 Toman

Download: Clinical Sociolinguistics (Ball 2008).

راهنمای سریع دانلود، کلیک کنید .

Clinical Sociolinguistics examines how sociolinguistic research paradigms can be applied to assessment, diagnosis and treatment in the clinical situation.

  • fills gap in the literature for speech-language pathologists by addressing how sociolinguistic research paradigms can be applied to assessment, diagnosis and treatment in the clinical situation
  • collects newly commissioned articles written by top scholars in the field
  • includes chapters that outline findings from sociolinguistic research over the last 40 years and point to the relevance of such findings for practicing speech-language pathologists
  • discusses topics including bilingualism, code-switching, language planning, and African-American English


“Individuals acquire language, and lose it, in a variety of contexts. Gender, geography, socioeconomic status and bilingualism are all relevant to clinical reasoning about speech and language disorders. This timely volume is grounded in state-of-the art sociolinguistic research, but also demonstrates the application of sociolinguistic thinking to the clinical situation. It will be an invaluable text for those professionals faced with linguistically and culturally diverse client groups, and for students and researchers in communication disorders.” Paul Fletcher, University College Cork