Deviant Modernism

Seexual and Textual Errrancy in T. S. Eliot, James Joyce

Colleen Lamos 2004

E-Book: 281 English Pages

Publisher: CUP

Price: 1000 Toman

Download: Deviant Modernism: Seexual and Textual Errrancy in T. S. Eliot, James Joyce (Lamos 2004).

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This original study reevaluates central texts of the modernist canon–Eliot’s early poetry including The Waste Land, Joyce’s Ulysses and Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past–by examining seexual energies and identifications in them that are typically regarded as perverse. Colleen Lamos’ analysis of the operations of gender and seexuality in these texts reveals conflicts, concerning the definition of masculine heteroseexuality, which cut across the aesthetics of modernism. What emerges is a reconsideration of modernist literature as a whole, gender categories, and the relation between errant seexuality and literary “mistakes.”


“This is a controversial study recommended for upper-division undergraduates through faculty.”

— Choice

“Yet Deviant Modernism is valuable as a study of that very will to normativity which structures the conventional moral and artistic codes of these three high male modernists, deconstructing the authority os such codes by revealing their defensiveness, circular logic, and disavowed irrationality.”

— James Joyce Literary Supplement

“Deviant Modernism is extremely well researched and beautifully written.”

— Modern Philology

“…[Lamo’s study of modernism] makes such intellectual labor all the more pressing and valuable.”

— Novel