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Henry Miller

New Perspectives

James M. Decker & Indrek Manniste 2015

E-Book: 257 English Pages

Price: Free

Download: Henry Miller: New Perspectives (Decker Manniste 2015).


Scholarly responses to Henry Miller’s works have never been numerous and for many years Miller was not a fashionable writer for literary studies. In fact, there exist only three collections of essays concerning Henry Miller’s oeuvre. Since these books appeared, a new generation of international Miller scholars has emerged, one that is re-energizing critical readings of this important American Modernist.

Henry Miller: New Perspectives presents new essays on carefully chosen themes within Miller and his intellectual heritage to form the most authoritative collection ever published on this author.


Henry Miller: New Perspectives offers an exciting collection of essays that illuminate Miller and his work. The essays use a wide range of theoretical approaches and demonstrate that Miller’s narratives definitely reward close reading. The volume also treats Miller holistically and considers a variety of his texts and concerns. Particularly absorbing is the way that the book combines fresh reexaminations of classic Miller themes with penetrating investigations of previously unexplored–and unexpected–topics. In short, the book indeed provides a host of ‘new perspectives’ on Henry Miller and should reinvigorate debate over a shamefully neglected American writer.”

Roger Jackson, Co-author and Publisher of Henry Miller: A Bibliography of Primary Sources (2 volumes)and Managing Editor of Nexus: The International Henry Miller Journal

“An invaluable contribution to the ongoing reevaluation of Henry Miller as a major American writer, this volume draws on scholarship from around the world to offer the best collection of new essays on his life and work to appear in book form for many years.”

Karl Orend, Former Member of the Advisory Board of the Henry Miller Memorial Library, USA, Editorial Director of Alyscamps Press, Paris, and author of Henry Miller’s Angelic Clown (2012) and The Brotherhood of Fools & Simpletons: Gods and Devils in Henry Miller’s Utopia (2005)