Perspectives: Studies in Translatology

Volume 21, Issue 4, 2013

Special Issue: Corpus linguistics and Audiovisual Translation: in search of an integrated approach

Price: 1400 Toman

راهنمای سریع دانلود، کلیک کنید .

Table of Contents


1- Corpus linguistics and Audiovisual Translation: in search of an integrated approach

Original Articles

2- Constructing a corpus of translated films: a corpus view of dubbing

3- A diachronic study of familiarizers (‘man’, ‘guys’, ‘buddy’, ‘dude’) in movie language

4- ‘That is so cool’: investigating the translation of adverbial intensifiers in English-Spanish dubbing through a parallel corpus of sitcoms


5- Phrasal verbs in Italian dubbed dialogues: a multimedia corpus-based study

6- The strange case of The Big Bang Theory and its extra-ordinary Italian audiovisual translation: a multimodal corpus-based analysis

7- Multimodality, translation and accessibility: a corpus-based study of audio description

8- Parallel subtitle corpora and their applications in machine translation and translatology

Book reviews

9- Understanding translation

10- Evaluation in translation: critical points of translator decision-making

10- Translation Changes Everything: Theory and Practice

11- Culture in translation: reception of Chinese literature in comparative perspective

List of Reviewers

12- List of Reviewers

Editorial Board

13- Editorial Board

The emphasis lies on analyses of authentic translation work, translation practices, procedures and strategies. Based on real-life examples, studies in the journal place their findings in an international perspective from a practical, theoretical or pedagogical angle in order to address important issues in the craft, the methods and the results of translation studies worldwide.