Babel 2016:62:4


Free Translation Studies Journal


Volume 62 – Number 4 – 2016

Price: Free

Download: Babel 2016:62:4

Table of Content

1–La traduction dictée interactive et sa nécessaire intégration à la formation des traducteurs — Zapata, Julián; Quirion, Jean

2–Professionals and translation in a “literary translation system” — Liping, Bai

3–La traducción del humor en textos audiovisuales — Martínez Sierra, Juan José

4–À la recherche des germes de la modernité chinoise — Cao, Danhong; Jun, Xu

5–Stylistics and the cultural context in literary translation — Vukčević, Miodrag M.

6–Traduction économique français-espagnol et espagnol-français — Gallego-Hernández, Daniel

7–The translation strategies for Chinese diplomatic neologisms from the perspective of “Political Equivalence” — Yang, Mingxing; Yan, Da

8–la vie de la fit – the life of fit — Xu, Zhang; Ying, He

9–Translators, interpreters, and cultural negotiators — Cheung, Andrew K.F.

10–Specialized Translation: Shedding the ‘Non-Literary’ Tag — Shiyab, Said M.

11–Corpus-based Translation and Interpreting Studies: From description to application/Estudios traductológicos basados en corpus: de la descripción a la aplicación — Scandura, Gabriela

12–Translation as Metaphor — Liu Lisheng

Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators, interpreters and terminologists (T&I), yet of interest also for non-specialists concerned with current issues and events in the field.

The scope of Babel is intentional and embraces a multitude of disciplines built on the following pillars: T&I theory, practice, pedagogy, technology, history, sociology, and terminology management. Another important segment of this journal includes articles on the development and evolution of the T&I professions: new disciplines, growth, recognition, Codes of Ethics, protection, and prospects.

The creation of Babel was proposed on the initiative of Pierre-François Caillé, founding president of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) and approved by the first FIT Congress of 1954 in Paris. Babel continues to be published for FIT and each issue contains a section dedicated to THE LIFE OF FIT.

Articles for Babel are normally published in English or French but we also accept articles in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.


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