Comparative Critical Studies

Volume 10, Number 1, 2013



1- Notes on Contributors
2- President’s Letter
3- Editors’ Introduction
4- An Irish Prefiguring of Korean Literature in the 1920–1930s: A Cross-Cultural Study ofNanp’a, an Expressionist Play in Three Acts by Kim U-jin
5- Displacement, Self-(Re)Construction, and Writing the Bosnian War: Aleksandar Hemon and Saša Stanišić
6- Comparative Literature and Postcolonial Studies Revisited. Reflections in Light of Recent Transitions in the Fields of Postcolonial Studies
7- What is ‘Comparative’ Literature?
8- ‘The Cat’ from Bestiaire by Eric Dupont, translated by Peter McCambridge
9- ‘The Choir’ from The Hangman’s House by Andrea Tompa, translated by Bernard Adams
10- ‘Walking in the Ruins’ by Ndabezinhle Sigogo (1932-2006), translated by Stephen Walsh
11- From ‘Classified ad’ by Marie-Hélène Lafon, translated by Teresa Quinn

About this Journal

As the British Comparative Literature Association’s peer-reviewed house journal, Comparative Critical Studies seeks to advance methodological (self)reflection on the nature of comparative literature as a discipline. The journal invites contributions providing innovative perspectives on the theory and practice of the study of comparative literature in all its aspects, including but not restricted to: theory and history of comparative literary studies; comparative studies of conventions, genres, themes and periods; reception studies; comparative gender studies; transmediality; diasporas and the migration of culture from a literary perspective; and the theory and practice of literary translation and cultural transfer. The three annual issues include sections with open submission academic articles in the field of comparative literature, book reviews, the winners of the Dryden Translation Prize, the keynote lectures of the triennial BCLA conference, the Malcolm Bowie memorial lectures, and selected papers from BCLA conferences and workshops.