Meaning-Based Translation, 1998



Meaning-Based Translation

A Guide to Cross-Language Equivalence

by Mildred L. Larson 1998

E-Book: 294*2 English pages

Publisher: UPA

Download: Meaning-Based Translation: A Guide to Cross-Language Equivalence (Larson 1998).

Meaning-Based Translation is designed for training beginning translators and organized chapter by chapter as drill material for the textbook Meaning-Based Translation. The textbook emphasizes the importance of a translation being accurate, clear and natural and the exercises give the student practice in achieving this goal. The exercises follow closely the content of the textbook since this is a drill manual for added practice. The textbook has some exercises as well, but the workbook provides additional practice from one basic source, thus giving students a wider variety of problems to solve during practice time. It also provides material that can be used as homework or as testing material.

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