Babel: International Journal of Translation

Volume 57, Number 1, 2011

Babel: International Journal of Translation

Volume 57, Number 1, 2011

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1- Before Babel: In memoriam Daniel Simeoni and Brian Peckham – Caroline Disler
2- Origins and conceptual analysis of the term ‘traductologie/translatology’ – Brian Harris
3- Una aproximación empírica a la ­clasificación y traducción de las figuras retóricas en la publicidad – Maria Calzada Perez
Traduction littéraire – Literary Translation – Collection UNESCO d’œuvres représentatives – UNESCO Collection of Representative Works
4- “Eorlas arhwate eard begeatan”: Revisiting Brunanburh’s (hi)story, style and imagery in translation – Jorge L. Bueno-Alonso
5- From left to right and from right to left: Anton Shammas’s translations from Hebrew into Arabic and vice versa – Mahmoud Kayyal
6- La vie de la FIT – The life of FIT
7- Informations bibliographiques et lexicographiques – Bibliographical and lexicographical information
8- Juan Jesús Zaro (ed.), Traductores y traducciones de literatura y ensayo (1835–1919). Reviewed by Ronald Puppo
9- Synergies Italie

About Babel

Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators and interpreters, yet of interest also for the nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field of translation.

Babel includes articles on translation theory and practice, as well as discussions of the legal, financial and social aspects of the translator’s profession; it reports on new methods of translating, such as machine-aided translation, the use of computerized dictionaries or word banks; in each issue special sections on “Literary Translation” and “The Life of FIT”. An established publication, Babel will appeal to all those who make translation their business and research.

Contributions are written in English and French and occasionally in German, Spanish and Russian.

Babel is published for the International Federation of Translators (FIT).

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