Nature in Literary and Cultural Studies: Transatlantic Conversations on Ecocriticism

Catrin Gersdorf & Sylvia Mayer 2006

E-Book: 490 English pages

Publisher: Rodopi

Price: 1000 Toman

Download: Nature in Literary and Cultural Studies: Transatlantic Conversations on Ecocriticism (Gersdorf & Sylvia Mayer 2006).

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Nature in Literary and Cultural Studies is a collection of essays written by European and North American scholars who argue that nature and culture can no longer be thought of in oppositional, mutually exclusive terms. They are united in an effort to push the theoretical limits of ecocriticism towards a more rigorous investigation of nature s critical potential as a concept that challenges modern culture s philosophical assumptions, epistemological convictions, aesthetic principles, and ethical imperatives. This volume offers scholars and students of literature, culture, history, philosophy, and linguistics new insights into the ongoing transformation of ecocriticism into an innovative force in international and interdisciplinary literary and cultural studies.

About the Author

Catrin Gersdorf teaches American literature at the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Free University Berlin, Germany. The author of The Poetics and Politics of the Desert: Landscape and the (Re-) Construction of America (forthcoming), she co-edited Natur-Kultur-Text: Beitrage zu Okologie und Literaturwissenschaft (2005). Sylvia Mayer teaches American literature and culture at the English Department of Munster University, Germany. She is the author of a monograph on the environmental ethical dimension of New England Regionalist Writing 1865-1918 (Naturethik und Neuengland-Regionalliteratur, 2004), editor of Restoring the Connection to the Natural World: Essays on the African American Environmental Imagination (2003), and co-editor of Natur-Kultur-Text: Beitrage zu Okologie und Literaturwissenschaft (2005).