Target 2011:23:1



International Journal of Translation Studies

Volume 23, Number 1, 2011

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Table of Contents

1- Letter from the Editor


2- The future of general tendencies in translation: Explicitation in web localization – Miguel A. Jiménez-Crespo

3- When and why do translators add connectives?: A corpus-based study – Viktor Becher

4- Interpreting accent in the courtroom – Sandra Beatriz Hale, Nigel Bond and Jeanna Sutton

5- The use of deictic reference in identifying point of view in Grazia Deledda’s Canne al Vento and its translation into English – Jane Helen Johnson

6- Censorship and translated children’s literature in the Soviet Union: The example of the Wizards Oz and Goodwin – Judith A. Inggs

7- The death of the translator in machine translation: A bilingual poetry project – Tong King Lee

8- Language variation in source texts and their translations: The case of L3 in film translation – Montse Corrius Gimbert and Patrick Zabalbeascoa


9- Kumiko Torikai. Voices of the Invisible Presence. Diplomatic interpreters in post-World War II Japan – Reviewed by Daniel Gile

10- Hans-Wolfgang Schneiders. Allgemeine Übersetzungstheorie. Verstehen und Wiedergeben – Reviewed by Christina Schäffner

11- Wolfgang Pöckl & Michael Schreiber (Hrsg.). Geschichte und Gegenwärt der Übersetzung im französischen Sprachraum – Compte rendu par Yves Chevrel

12- Alberto Gil & Manfred Schmeling (Hrsg.). Kultur übersetzen. Zur Wissenschaft des Übersetzens im deutsch-französischen Dialog – Compte rendu par Christine Lombez

13- Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, Cormac Ó Cuilleanáin & David Parris, eds. Translation and Censorship. Patterns of Communication and Interference – Compte rendu par Pier-Pascale Boulanger

14- Geneviève Roux-Faucard. Poétique du récit traduit – Compte rendu par Kristiina Taivalkoski-Shilov

15- Bert Cornillie, José Lambert & Pierre Swiggers, eds. Linguistic Identities, Language Shift and Language Policy in Europe – Compte rendu par Elien Declercq

16- Jorge Díaz Cintas & Gunilla Anderman, eds. Audiovisual Translation. Language Transfer on Screen – Reviewed by Aline Remael

Target promotes the scholarly study of translational phenomena from any part of the world and welcomes submissions of an interdisciplinary nature. The journal’s focus is on research on the theory, history, culture and sociology of translation and on the description and pedagogy that underpin and interact with these foci. We welcome contributions with a theoretical, empirical, or applied focus. We especially welcome papers on topics at the cutting edge of the discipline, as well as shorter positioning statements which may encourage discussion by contributors to the “Forum” section of the journal. The purpose of the review section is to introduce and discuss the most important publications in the field and to reflect its evolution.

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