Intercultural Communication for Everyday Life

John R. Baldwin & Robin R. Means Coleman & Alberto González & Suchitra Shenoy-Packer  2014

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E-Book: 372 English pages

Price: 5.000 Toman

Download: Intercultural Communication for Everyday Life (Baldwin & Coleman & González & Shenoy-Packer  2014).

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Written for students studying intercultural communication for the first time, this textbook gives a thorough introduction to inter- and cross-cultural concepts with a focus on practical application and social action.

  • Provides a thorough introduction to inter- and cross-cultural concepts for beginning students with a focus on practical application and social action
  • Defines “communication” broadly using authors from a variety of sub disciplines and incorporating scientific, humanistic, and critical theory
  • Constructs a complex version of culture using examples from around the world that represent a variety of differences, including age, sex, race, religion, and sexual orientation
  • Promotes civic engagement with cues toward individual intercultural effectiveness and giving back to the community in socially relevant ways
  • Weaves pedagogy throughout the text with student-centered examples, text boxes, applications, critical thinking questions, a glossary of key terms, and online resources for students and instructors
  • Online resources for students and instructors available upon publication at


“The combination has the advantage bringing into one’s hand a somewhat integrated presentation, guidance and a direction without the leakage and serendipity of online meanderings.”  (, 1 November 2014)