The Handbook of Clinical Linguistics

Martin J. Ball & Michael R. Perkins 2008

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E-Book: 710 English pages

Price: 2.000 Toman

Download: The Handbook of Clinical Linguistics (Ball & Perkins 2008).

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The Handbook of Clinical Linguistics brings together an international team of contributors to create an original, in-depth survey of the field for students and practitioners of speech-language pathology, linguistics, psychology, and education.

  • Explores the field of clinical linguistics: the application of the principles and methods of linguistics to the study of language disability in all its forms
  • Fills a gap in the existing literature, creating the first non-encyclopedic volume to explore this ever-expanding area of linguistic concern and research
  • Includes a range of pathologies, with each section exploring multilingual and cross-linguistics aspects of the field, as well as analytical methods and assessment
  • Describes how mainstream theories and descriptions of language have been influenced by clinical research


“This collection performs a rite of passage: clinical linguistics has come of age.”
David Crystal, University of Wales, Bangor

“The range of topics represented here, and the quality of the contributions, underline the advances Clinical Linguistics has made in three decades. This volume will for some time be the benchmark against which others in the field will be evaluated.”
Paul Fletcher, University College Cork

“This comprehensive compendium covers the breadth and depth of clinical linguistics, presenting the latest research on pragmatics, discourse, sociolinguistics, syntax, semantics, phonetics and phonology. The impressive cohort of international contributors comprises the foremost authorities in their fields. This book is a classic reference work and will be frequently cited.”
Sharynne McLeod, Charles Sturt University, Australia

“This Handbook offers state-of-the-art reviews and cutting-edge research reports. It is strongly recommended as a textbook for students at the master’s level and higher, instructors and researchers in a variety of disciplines, including Speech-Language Pathology, Clinical Linguistics, Medicine, and Psychology.”
Ben Maassen, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre