Marx: A Very Short Introduction

Peter Singer 1980

E-Book: 120 English Pages

Publisher: OUP

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In Marx: A Very Short Introdution, Peter Singer identifies the central vision that unifies Marx’s thought, enabling us to grasp Marx’s views as a whole. He sees him as a philosopher primarily concerned with human freedom, rather than as an economist or a social scientist. In plain English, he explains alienation, historical materialism, the economic theory of Capital, and Marx’s ideas of communism, and concludes with an assessment of Marx’s legacy.


“I always recommend that undergraduates should read Singer’s book to get an overview. I find it a very useful introduction: succinct and sophisticated.”

–Professor Diana Coole, University of California, Irvine

“[An] excellent brief presentation of Marx and his teachings, written with clarity and conciseness; up-to-date in its sources, dispassionate in its approach to [Marx] and balanced in its assessment.”

–Peter McConville, University of San Francisco

“Clear, concise, insightful, and even-handed.”

–Susan Armstrong-Buck, Humboldt State University

About the Author

Peter Singer is a DeCamp Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University.